VMWare to OpenShift Virtualization Strategy

Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization Quick Start


Li9 Unique Value Add

  • Best Red Hat technical resources that can create proposals and deliver solutions in short timeframes.
  • PPA (2X) for both Ansible and OpenShift
  • Li9 OpenShift and Ansible Experts available for all stages of the sales cycle.
  • Able to answer and ask relevant questions of all customer stakeholders.
  • Li9 understands old & new VMWare pricing model and what the comparable OCP Virt config would be.
  • Li9 Sales Support provides meeting prep and takes notes for all customer meetings.
  • Li9 is able to provide Private/Marketplace Offers on AWS, Azure, and GCP. 

Li9 Solution Process

  • Determine Overall Customer IT Goals and Timelines
  • Customer Meeting presenting VMWare to OpenShift Slide Presentation
  • Sign NDA  and request start of Onboarding
  • Discovery Meeting(s) to Determine Specific Solution Requirements with Project Stakeholders: Project Lead, Security, Network, System/Kubernetes Admins, Kubernetes App Dev.
  • Design Customer Specific OpenShift Virtualization Solution
  • Review and Refine the Solution, including timelines
  • Prepare VMWare to OpenShift Solution SOW which includes Software, Services and Pricing. 
  • Present solution to customer in slides format.  
  • Work with customer to present to upper management for approval
  • Insure paperwork is in place for purchase of QuickStart and start deleivery of VMWare to OpenShift  Virtualization Quickstart  



VMWare Customer Old vs New Pricing

Customers are seeing significant increases in their VMWare cost.

Below is an example of how a customer recently saw a price increase for an environment where an VMWare customer has 1,588 cores and 3.5PB of vSAN storage:

Previous VMWare Processor Based  Annual Pricing Annual Cost:  $177,000.00

New VMWare Core and TB Based : $829,251.50

Information above is based on an article from an existing VMWare customer, link to the article below:

Customer Article – Customer with  Higher-Core per Processor Count, and/or Large TBs of vSAN will see significant price  increase with new VMWare pricing Structure


VMware to OpenShift Virtualization  $25K Quickstart 

The goal of this Quickstart is create a low cost of entry for the customer to evaluate the solution, making it easier to get approved and get started.  It’s meant to take the place of a free POC.  It requires the customer to have complete trust that Li9 can deliver the solution deliverables.  


  • Fully Functional  OpenShift Virtualization Solution.  This can be used as the based for a full production environment. 
  • Automation Implementation
  • Demonstrate V2V and V2C Migrations
  • Knowledge Transfer & Documentation
  • Time Frame: (2-4 Weeks)


  • VMWare to OpenShift Virtualization QuickStart $25,000
  • 1 x 100 Nodes Ansible Standard $10,100 (1 Year 30% off List) – Trial 
  • 3 x OPP with ODF 64 Core Standard $46,000 (1 Year 30% off List) – Trial

 Sales Process
1) Customer purchases Quickstart for $25K to demonstrate their commitment to the project.
2) Quick Start uses OPP and AAP Trial Licenses.
3)  During Quick Start:
–  Li9 Learns more about the customer requirements and other pain points
–  Works with other stakeholders to introduce them to OpenShift capabilities, especially Kubernetes Application Developers.
– Li9 introduces the customer to Red Hat Portal and Support that’s available.

Li9’s goal is to start the OPP and AAP trials at the same time as the service to get the get the customer familiar with OpenShift Virtualization and Ansible and Red Hat in general, so at the end of the 60-day trial, Li9 should have sufficient information and customer trust for a full proposal. 


Ideal VMWare to OCP Virtual  Customer

CentOS or RHEL VMs on VMWare because RHEL is included with OpenShift.

Customer with  Higher-Core per Processor Count, and/or Large TBs of vSAN will see significant price increase with new VMWare pricing Structure.  (See real customer example below)


Prior to 1st meeting

Include as many stakeholders from key groups to Initial meetings as possible.  This allows customers and Li9 to ask and answer important Solution 

  • Project Lead
  • VMWare Admin
  • Security
  • Linux and Windows Admins
  • Kubernetes  Admins
  • Kubernetes App Dev
  • Network Admin

During 1st Meeting

A Li9 OCP Virt Expert will have Q&A with customer stakeholders and present OCP Virt capabilities and value add VMWare to OCP Slides Presentation;

  • Li9 will ask questions about their current VMware environment needed to build a OCP Virt solution and estimate their costs using the new VMWare pricing
  • Present OpenShift Virtualization information including a short demo
  • Li9 will take detail notes using the VMWare to OpenShift Virtualization Notes Template.

For Next Steps (Last)  Slide

  • Have customer schedule next meeting to include any stakeholders that didn’t attend 1st meeting to discuss any areas that weren’t covered in 1st meeting.
  • Assign Action Items to Customer and Li9/Red Hat.
  • NDA and Procurement Process
  • Schedule next meeting(s)

Li9 goal is within 1-3 meetings, and discovery calls, Li9 will have enough information to create a proposal that will include Red Hat Subscriptions and Li9 Services.  Li9 will create the proposal in phases if necessary. VMWare to OCP Solution Example

The proposal will be presented to the stakeholders in Presentation format VMWare to OCP Solution Presentation until it meets their requirements.

A request will be made to jointly present the proposal to Executive Sponsor(s) and discuss phases, pricing, and the timeline for the customer to make decision for purchasing the solution.